

impacode 850114
uom(单位) KGM
title(品名) 850114 GAS CARBON DIOXIDE
desc(描述) Gases are obtainable packed in cylinders or empty cylinders from a vessel can be refilled for use. The most commonly required gases for marine use are listed below. When ordering, please specify the type of gas required. Charges for cylinder rental or gas refills are applied separately and the guidelines regarding what type of valves are used on the cylinders, how frequently the cylinders must undergo pressure tests, and if cylinders can be exchanged will vary by country and manufacturer.
cdesc(自动翻译) 850114 气体 - 二氧化碳 可以从储存罐中获取装在气瓶或空气瓶中的气体,用于再填充使用。对于海上用途,最常需要的气体如下。下订单时,请指定所需的气体类型。气瓶租赁费或气体再填充费用将单独收取,关于气瓶上使用的阀门类型、气瓶必须多长时间进行压力测试,以及是否可以更换气瓶的规定会因国家和制造商而异。
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Gases are obtainable packed in cylinders or empty cylinders from a vessel can be refilled for use. The most commonly required gases for marine use are listed below. When ordering, please specify the type of gas required. Charges for cylinder rental or gas refills are applied separately and the guidelines regarding what type of valves are used on the cylinders, how frequently the cylinders must undergo pressure tests, and if cylinders can be exchanged will vary by country and manufacturer.

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