impacode | 812885 |
uom(单位) | NRL |
title(品名) | 812885 TAPE SEALING BUTYL HI ADHESIVE, W450 X TH0.6MM X 10MTR |
desc(描述) | A self-adhesive sealing tape made of a butyl rubber compound, protected by a reinforced aluminium film, making it highly resistant to ageing and oxidizing caused by atmospheric and chemical agents. Highly adhesive to all materials and especially to plastic, glass, steel, polycarbonate and wood. Especially used to repair small leaks and water infiltrations, for example around windows. Characteristics: Cold applied / Waterproof and self-sealing / Resistant to ageing and UV-rays / Excellent adhesion at low temperatures. Compound color: Grey, Application temperature: 0°C / +40°C, Service temperature: -30oC / +90oC up to 160oC for max. 24h. |
cdesc(自动翻译) | 812885 胶带密封剂,高粘性丁基胶带,W450 x 厚度0.6mm x 10米 这是一种由丁基橡胶制成的自粘密封胶带,受到强化铝膜保护,具有高度抵抗大气和化学物质引起的老化和氧化。对所有材料,特别是塑料、玻璃、钢、聚碳酸酯和木材有极高的粘附力。特别适用于修复小漏点和水渗漏,例如窗户周围。特性:冷应用/防水和自封/抗老化和紫外线/低温下粘附性能优秀。化合物颜色:灰色,应用温度:0°C / +40°C,服务温度:-30°C / +90°C,最高在160°C条件下可持续24小时。 |
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