

impacode 33X112
uom(单位) PCE
title(品名) 33X112 SAFETY SIGN IMMERSION SUIT, 150X150MM (ISO)
desc(描述) The signs below have been developed in relation to ISO 24409 series of standards. SSE 3/16 has proposed a draft MSC Circular to MSC 97 to revise Resolution 760(18) to incorporate these symbols for use as shipboard signage. Member Governments will be urged to bring the ISO 24409 series of standards to the attention of interested parties for use on a voluntary basis until such time as the revised resolution is adopted. When ordering please make sure to specify which symbols you require, IMO or ISO.
cdesc(自动翻译) 33X112 安全标志 防寒服,150X150MM(ISO)这些标志是根据ISO 24409系列标准开发的。SSE 3/16已向MSC 97提出了一份草案,以修订第760(18)号决议,将这些符号纳入船上标识。各国政府将被鼓励将ISO 24409系列标准提请感兴趣方注意,并在修订后的决议通过之前自愿使用。下单时,请务必注明您需要哪种符号,即IMO或ISO标准。
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The signs below have been developed in relation to ISO 24409 series of standards. SSE 3/16 has proposed a draft MSC Circular to MSC 97 to revise Resolution 760(18) to incorporate these symbols for use as shipboard signage. Member Governments will be urged to bring the ISO 24409 series of standards to the attention of interested parties for use on a voluntary basis until such time as the revised resolution is adopted. When ordering please make sure to specify which symbols you require, IMO or ISO.

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