
790259 LAMP LED 10W (100W) 100V E-26, COOL WHITE

impacode 790259
uom(单位) PCE
title(品名) 790259 LAMP LED 10W (100W) 100V E-26, COOL WHITE
desc(描述) More cost effective innovative lamp compared to conventional incandescent lamps or fluorescent lamps. LED (Light-Emitting Diodes) lamps keep lighting lifespan for several times longer and significantly more efficient than conventional incandescent lamps. Also, it consumes less energy about 90% than conventional incandescent lamps and effects to reduce of carbon dioxide.
cdesc(自动翻译) 790259 LAMP LED 10W (100W) 100V E-26, 冷白色 更加经济有效的创新灯具,相比传统的白炽灯或荧光灯。 LED(发光二极管)灯泡的照明寿命比传统白炽灯长得多,而且效率更高。 此外,它消耗的能源大约只有传统白炽灯的90%,有助于减少二氧化碳排放。
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More cost effective innovative lamp compared to conventional incandescent lamps or fluorescent lamps. LED (Light-Emitting Diodes) lamps keep lighting lifespan for several times longer and significantly more efficient than conventional incandescent lamps. Also, it consumes less energy about 90% than conventional incandescent lamps and effects to reduce of carbon dioxide.

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