impacode | 371195 |
uom(单位) | ST |
title(品名) | 371195 FLAG NATIONAL 4'X 6' BUNTING, SAO TOME & PRINCIPE |
desc(描述) | A ship hoists her National flag (Sometimes “Civil Ensign”) at ship’s stern to denote nationality and hoists a national flag of a country where ship called as a matter of courtesy at ship’s foremasthead. Few countries, such as the United Kingdom, have national flags for land purpose and ensign for maritime purpose with different pattern and they hoist ensign as ship’s own national flag at ship’s stern. When ordering please do not confuse this matter. Flags are made of warp-knitting polyester, if not any other material are specially required. The flag hook is normally separate order. |
cdesc(自动翻译) | 371195 国旗,圣多美和普林西比 4'x6' 尺寸的国旗,圣多美和普林西比 驾船人在船尾悬挂本国国旗(有时称为“民用船旗”)以表示国籍,并在船头主桅上挂上一个国家的国旗,以示礼貌。 一些国家,如英国,拥有陆地用途和海洋用途不同的国旗和船旗,他们在船尾悬挂船旗作为自己的国旗。 下单时请注意这一点。 旗帜由交织聚酯纤维制成,除非有特殊要求,否则不使用其他材料。 旗钩通常是单独订购的。 |
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