impacode | 792753 |
uom(单位) | PCE |
title(品名) | 792753 PLUG OFFSET WATERTIGHT IEC, 3P+E AC200-250V BLUE PI2-3B |
desc(描述) | Designed to meet IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards and colour coding system. The configurations for plugs and receptacles are single-rated which assures proper mating of devices with the same voltage and amperage. So it is impossible to couple a plug and receptacle of different voltage and/or amperage ratings to avoid causing damage to the equipment or even personal injury. The receptacles with Interlock device eliminate the possibility of making or breaking the circuit under load or making a haphazard connection. Rated Voltage : 500V, Rated Current : 16/20A. Protection Degree : IP56 Plug – Offset Angle |
cdesc(自动翻译) | 792753 带防水功能的IEC国际电工委员会三极带接地插头,蓝色 PI2-3B 设计符合IEC(国际电工委员会)标准和颜色编码系统。 插座和插头的配置为单级额定,确保与相同电压和电流的设备正确匹配。 这样可以防止将不同电压和/或电流等级的插头和插座连接在一起,从而避免对设备造成损坏甚至人身伤害。 具有联锁装置的插座消除了在负载下接通或断开电路的可能性,以及随意连接的风险。 额定电压:500V,额定电流:16/20A。防护等级:IP56 插头 - 偏置角度 |
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