
851581 SPANGAS 2.5%CH4/50PPM CO/25PPM, H2S/12% O2/BALANCE N2 34LTR

impacode 851581
uom(单位) CA
title(品名) 851581 SPANGAS 2.5%CH4/50PPM CO/25PPM, H2S/12% O2/BALANCE N2 34LTR
desc(描述) Span Gas for all types of gas detectors and analyzer. To help comply with standards, various types of calibration gas cylinders are available for your usage. The most important accessory to any gas detector is a calibration kit, which provides the means to determine if the instrument is working properly. When using gas detection equipment, it is necessary to calibrate the equipment on a regular basis to guarantee accurate results. According to some regulations and standards, one must test the gas detector prior to each use with a suitable test gas. 4 Gas Mixtures: Very reactive gas mixture only available in 34, 58, 100 ltr cylinders
cdesc(自动翻译) 851581 SPANGAS 2.5% CH4/50PPM CO/25PPM H2S/12% O2/BALANCE N2 34升Span气体,适用于各类气体检测器和分析仪。为了符合标准,我们提供各种类型的校准气瓶供您使用。任何气体检测设备最重要的附件是校准套件,它能帮助确认仪器是否正常工作。在使用气体检测设备时,定期校准至关重要,以确保准确结果。 根据某些法规和标准,在每次使用前,必须用适当的校准气体对气体检测器进行测试。 4种气体混合物:非常活跃的气体混合物仅提供34、58和100升的气瓶。
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Span Gas for all types of gas detectors and analyzer. To help comply with standards, various types of calibration gas cylinders are available for your usage. The most important accessory to any gas detector is a calibration kit, which provides the means to determine if the instrument is working properly. When using gas detection equipment, it is necessary to calibrate the equipment on a regular basis to guarantee accurate results. According to some regulations and standards, one must test the gas detector prior to each use with a suitable test gas. 4 Gas Mixtures: Very reactive gas mixture only available in 34, 58, 100 ltr cylinders

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