impacode | 611456 |
uom(单位) | PCE |
title(品名) | 611456 DRIVER WATCH TORQUE PRESET, 2-15CN.M-CM #BMLD15CN |
desc(描述) | A device which shows the force of torque with which a screw or nut is being tightened. It allows one to set screws exactly at a predetermined torque without any effort. A wide range of models from different manufacturers are available. The most common models are listed below. Preset Type Torque Watch Driver: Torque drivers for the highly efficient tightening of small screws such as in watches and cameras. When the set torque is reached, the movement of the toggle joint is felt on the finger. There is no need to read the dial. |
cdesc(自动翻译) | 611456 驱动器观察扭矩预设,2-15CN.M-CM #BMLD15CN 这是一种显示正在拧紧的螺钉或螺母的力矩的装置。它允许您无需费力地将螺丝精确设置到预设的扭矩值。有各种制造商的不同型号可供选择。最常见的一些型号如下所示。预设型扭矩观察驱动器:用于高效紧固手表和相机等小型螺丝的扭矩驱动器。当达到预设扭矩时,可以感觉到摆杆连接处的动作,无需查看表盘。 |
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