
851758 GAS SPAN 1.1%C3H8/25PPM H2S, 100PPMCO/19%O2/N2 FCG21040 58L

impacode 851758
uom(单位) BO
title(品名) 851758 GAS SPAN 1.1%C3H8/25PPM H2S, 100PPMCO/19%O2/N2 FCG21040 58L
desc(描述) 4 Gas Mixtures for Calibration from Fastcalgas
cdesc(自动翻译) 851758 气体混合物 SPAN 1.1% C3H8/25ppm H2S,100ppm CO/19% O2/N2,型号 FCG21040,58升,适用于Fastcalgas校准的四气体混合物。
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4 Gas Mixtures for Calibration from Fastcalgas

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