impacode | 314128 |
uom(单位) | PCE |
title(品名) | 314128 MOUNTING PANEL FOR ANTI PIRACY, BARRIER 1180X495X25MM |
desc(描述) | An innovative defensive solution to prevent unwanted personnel (using ladders, poles and ropes) from boarding a vessel. Sustainable and cost-effective denial of access maritime security solution used to protect commercial sea vessels passing through high risk areas. Unique patented design that allows for each unit to be self-installed with speed and strapped to vessel guardrail by using mounting panels and straps. Fend plate design along with innovative ribbed surface will repel hooked ladders and climbing poles to defeat rope based climbing systems. Available in orange and black colour.ed other type as per requirement. |
cdesc(自动翻译) | 314128 防止偷渡的安装板,尺寸为1180x495x25mm。这是一种创新的防御解决方案,用于防止未经授权的人员(使用梯子、杆子和绳索)登船。这款可持续且经济高效的海上防入侵安全解决方案,适用于保护途径高风险区域的商船。 独特的专利设计使得每个单元能够快速自行安装,并通过安装板和束带快速固定在船舶防护栏上。 防攀爬设计,配合创新的纹理表面,能抵御钩住的梯子和攀登杆,从而挫败基于绳索的攀爬系统。 提供橙色和黑色两种颜色,可根据需求提供其他类型。 |
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