impacode | 370242 |
uom(单位) | PCE |
title(品名) | 370242 CLINOMETER TUBE TYPE |
desc(描述) | A clinometer is required for positioning a vessel on a proper trim. It also indicates the correct heel angle and is helpful in determining the appropriate locations for cargo and equipment. A pair of clinometers, one installed on the keel axis and the other on the beam axis, will give the necessary and accurate indications for adjustment of the trim angle. |
cdesc(自动翻译) | 370242 倾斜仪A. 装船时需要倾斜仪以确定吃水线的正确位置。 它还能指示适当的船尾角度,并有助于确定货物和设备的合适安置点。 通过在龙骨轴和纵轴上各安装一对倾斜仪,可以提供调整吃水角所必需的准确读数。 |
370242 倾斜仪A. 装船时需要倾斜仪以确定吃水线的正确位置。 它还能指示适当的船尾角度···
More370241 垂准仪,指针式,200mm 垂准仪用于将船舶定位在适当的吃水线。它还能指示正确的吃···
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