

impacode 590745
uom(单位) SET
desc(描述) It consists of a uniquely designed series of air and water nozzles with 2 special swivel units in the vertical and horizontal planes. It is designed to give the highest and strongest solid water jet possible up to about 80 meters with a water pressure of 11 kgf/cm2. It can be easily operated by one man using the normal service mains available on most Bulk carriers and OBO type vessels. It requires a water pressure of 4 kgf/cm2 or more and air pressures of 6 to 8 kgf/cm2 and can simply be connected to the normal water-on-deck line and the service air line. For the toughest cleaning jobs, a water pressure of 11 kgf/cm2 will enable the Maxi-Gun to reach a jet length of about 80 meters, but even at 7 kgf/cm2 the reach is about 60 meters. For safety, the Maxi-Gun incorporates 3 easily mounted water ballast tanks. These form a weighted, self-supporting stand for the nozzle and swivel units. With the ballast tanks full one man can easily and safely operate the equipment from a standing position, controlling jet direction and cleaning pattern from the nozzle handle.
cdesc(自动翻译) 590745 持续清洁枪 MAXI-GUN 它由一系列独特设计的空气和水喷嘴组成,垂直和水平方向各有两个特殊旋转单元。 它的设计目的是在大约80米的高度范围内,使用11公斤/平方厘米的压力提供最强劲的固体水流。这种设备适用于大多数散货船和OBO型船舶,可通过常规服务主水管轻松操作。 它需要至少4公斤/平方厘米的水压和6至8公斤/平方厘米的气压,并能简单连接到甲板上的正常供水线和服务气线上。对于最艰巨的清洁任务,当压力提升到11公斤/平方厘米时,MAXI-GUN的射程可达约80米;即使在7公斤/平方厘米的压力下,射程也能达到约60米。 为了安全,MAXI-GUN配备了3个易于安装的水压舱。这些水压舱形成了一个稳定的自支撑基座,用于支撑喷嘴和旋转单元。当水压舱满载时,一个人可以轻松、安全地站立操作设备,通过喷嘴把手控制水流方向和清洁模式。
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It consists of a uniquely designed series of air and water nozzles with 2 special swivel units in the vertical and horizontal planes. It is designed to give the highest and strongest solid water jet possible up to about 80 meters with a water pressure of 11 kgf/cm2. It can be easily operated by one man using the normal service mains available on most Bulk carriers and OBO type vessels. It requires a water pressure of 4 kgf/cm2 or more and air pressures of 6 to 8 kgf/cm2 and can simply be connected to the normal water-on-deck line and the service air line. For the toughest cleaning jobs, a water pressure of 11 kgf/cm2 will enable the Maxi-Gun to reach a jet length of about 80 meters, but even at 7 kgf/cm2 the reach is about 60 meters. For safety, the Maxi-Gun incorporates 3 easily mounted water ballast tanks. These form a weighted, self-supporting stand for the nozzle and swivel units. With the ballast tanks full one man can easily and safely operate the equipment from a standing position, controlling jet direction and cleaning pattern from the nozzle handle.

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